There are two types of decision making, The availability heuristic where the decision is made with minimal thought involved and the additive feature model.
The first is where a minimal amount of thought has been done and is merely based on emotional feelings that guide to the final decision. The other style is a more detailed review of the issues and probabilities are weighted are examined to find the favorable choice. If any thing is apparent when it comes to assessing the decision making of people that voted Trump, it is that it was probably undertaken under the first concept. Watching the average Trump supporter or engaging with them on line tends to validate the argument that the first decision process is most commonly used. There seems to be no practical thought on what their argument is but to hand out personal insults.
In a herd conformity style they follow the arguments of their leader and accuse the media of being dishonest. Trump “communicates directly” to them via Twitter etc. The media on the other hand twist what he says and makes it into a falsehood.
What is developing now is a Trump and supporters VS The Media and supporters. This strategy works for both parties. Trump says what he wants, how he wants, when he wants. The Media are putting up presenters to combat Trumps lies and expose them to the cheers for their supporters. In the mean time actual legislation is being passed, exect orders are being filed and the country stumbles into the greater divide of inequality that exists.